Capture and Upload Receipts:
Choose the Method that Works Best for You
Choose the Method that Works Best for You
Make expense reporting a breeze from any device
Expense management with too many manual steps is a drain on your workforce. An employee with a number of work-related purchases can easily spend several hours attaching images and transcribing transaction details, after putting off a dreaded expense report for weeks.
Chrome River offers users a variety of ways to efficiently handle paper or electronic receipts, from anywhere. Employees have seven straightforward options for capturing and submitting transaction data to accommodate different receipt formats, their device of choice, and their preferences. And all without typing!
- Direct upload in our app
- Snap and send your receipt photo via email
- Forward your HTML or PDF receipt via email
- Forward your hotel folio via email
- Direct integration with services like Uber, Lyft, or United Airlines
- Real-time credit card transactions
- Scan and fax
Give users a solution that adapts to them, offering flexibility, ease-of-use, and superior accuracy. Advanced receipt handling allows employees to submit expenses on the go and let optical character recognition (OCR) do the rest, making it possible to finish their expense reports quickly and easily. Watch this episode of Splash to see these innovative features in action.
When you're ready to learn more, we're here to help.
After all, Chrome River lets business flow.
About Us
Emburse Chrome River provides expense and invoice automation solutions that let business flow for more than 1,000 organizations worldwide. The company’s easy-to-use, enterprise-scale solutions enable future-readiness for its customers. As a result of this focus on innovation, Chrome River is rated as a Leader in expense management by analyst firm IDC. Chrome River’s commitment to delivering a superior customer journey by creating long-term value for its customers, makes it a preferred choice of CFOs, CIOs, AP teams, travel managers and business travelers. Details on Chrome River’s customers can be found on the company’s web site.
More than 2.5 million users around the world trust Chrome River. To learn more, contact Chrome River at +1 888-781-0088, or visit and its social pages on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.